Editorial Policies
Focus and Scope
The Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences is an international scientific researches journal in all field of science.
Subject Classification:
Computer and Information Science;
Earth Sciences;
Electrical and Electronic Engineering;
Environmental Sciences;
Materials Science;
The Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences is indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, Compendex, zbMATH, Current Contents, Geobase. The Impact Factor of the journal for the year 2018/2019 is 0, 4.
The Journal is published 12 times in a year with sole aim of rapid dissemination of scientific knowledge among scientists, technocrats and planner and elite citizens and to promote the cause science for a better world.
The Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences is a Scopus and ISI journal that provides a multidisciplinary forum for the international community.
The Journal aims to foster high quality research. We would like to invite you to contribute papers for consideration and publication in the current and forthcoming issues of Current World.
You are also requested to send your detailed Biodata for the Editorial Board and Advisory Board; the selection will be done on the basis of seniority and achievements.
We also receive views and news on Latest Products in Industries/News about Scholarships, Awards, Prizes, Distinctions, Appointments, Seminars, and Conferences etc.
We welcome enquiries from both academic institutions and commercial organizations.
Please submit your manuscript via Online Tracking System.
Section Policies
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Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Editorial Policy
As an initial consideration, all manuscripts submitted for review are expected to be free from language errors and must be written and formatted strictly by following the latest edition of the APA style. Manuscripts that are not entirely written according to APA style and/or do not reflect an expert use of the English language will not be considered for publication and will not be sent to any of the journal reviewers for evaluation. It is completely the author’s responsibility to comply with the rules and check for any errors. Thus, all necessary actions should be taken by the author(s) before a manuscript is submitted to the journal.
We highly recommend that non-native speakers of English have manuscripts proofread by a copy editor before submission. During submission, a note from a copy editor may significantly reduce the review time of your manuscript. However, proof of copy editing does not guarantee acceptance of a manuscript for publication in the Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences.
The Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences publishes only original scholarly works. We do not accept and will not publish manuscripts which are based on an author's previous work. Please do not submit your manuscripts simultaneously or separately to both The Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences and to another journal. In such cases the responsibility solely rests with the author(s).